
A Miracle… Another Miracle


“ When the heart gets into prayer, every beat of the heart creates a miracle. ”
~ Yogi Bhajan

A Miracle is simply a new awareness that a dimension outside our physical bodies is always working towards serving our highest good. A miracle is a shift in perspective from fear to love. A miracle is a gift from beyond that helps us recognize how very loved we are.

A few years ago a beautiful woman came to Kundalini Yoga. There was something quite magical about her. There was a light from another dimension around her. We began talking. She shared her story. She cried. I cried. Yes, I admit it, I cried. Is that taboo as a yoga teacher? Many would say yes. But, the sensitivity in my heart always seems to take over. The ego way of thinking that we need to be perfect teachers is so old school. Being love is perfect.

Priscilla lost her son to a very strange virus years ago. A few months after she lost the love of her life, she was diagnosed with breast cancer. Her body went into dis-ease. Her heart fell into dis-ease. Her life fell apart. The cancer moved behind her breasts into her bones. She was too beautiful for this. It couldn’t be. I wanted to do everything I could do to help this beautiful light angel. I felt a calling to share everything I could with her.

We hired Priscilla’s husband to work on our new home. He used his amazing skills to install new tile and refurbish the outside of our home. We invited them for Sunday lunch. We felt a deep closeness to Priscilla and Frank. We prayed for them.

Priscilla and I spent three mornings a week together. She came to class, and we spent time connecting after class. We practiced healing exercises together. We laughed… and we cried.

The physicians felt that the cancer was a cancer they would not be able to treat if the radiation and chemotherapy did not work. They doubted it would, yet were amazed at how healthy she looked. She went through all of her treatments… and made it to class. We talked, we laughed… and we cried some more.

Yesterday Frank came over to share their very important meeting at the Oncologist’s office. He said, “If the cancer returns, there is nothing we can do.” I replied, “The cancer has not returned.” I prayed for them both. Thoughts become things… we must do our best to always think with hope.

My husband and I discussed this when we woke at five in the morning today. The thought of Frank and Priscilla tossing and turning all night in fear of the news they would receive. As much as we knew to stay in the flow of positive thoughts, our brains seemed to chime in with a more ‘practical’ view. It was time to sit in a morning meditation and send them both love, light and an energetic embrace.

We went about our morning, but we were so eager to hear what the physician’s report was. At 2:11 in the afternoon, we sent Frank a text message… “How was the visit?” He wrote back…”It was fantastic. It is gone!”

Today is a day of miracles. Priscilla’s message is magical. This sharing is something that flows from the heart. Miracles come from Spirit. We can be vessels with our love, hands, intentions and prayers. Yet, the MIRACLE comes from a co-creation with God. There is always hope.

“Karena, It is a Miracle. The doctor told us that even the inflammation is gone. He said he has never experienced such a miracle. I went for months full of fear and terrible dreams. I was planning what my last day would be like. Now I am healed. I am free of cancer. Love has touched my soul.”

We are all vessels of love. The Divine flows through all of our hearts and hands. My intention in sharing this with you all is so you take a moment… To KNOW. You are LOVED. Healing is so close. Miracles are everywhere. Some go unnoticed, some are advertised to the world. It does not matter. We just trust. I ask you to trust that there are so many miracles waiting for you. Expect a miracle today. Expect a large miracle. Expect a small miracle. Blessed are those who expect favor and goodness, for Spirit meets us at our level of expectation.

Always from my heart with so much Love,

Karena xo